#Li Xian's boyfriend style fashion# Your current boyfriend Li Xian is here, and possessing these [same clothes] can be considered equivalent to embracing Han Shangyan. Sisters who have let things get to your heads, hurry, come and reveal your couple outfits with Li Xian
![[憧憬] [憧憬]](https://img.t.sinajs.cn/t4/appstyle/expression/ext/normal/c9/2018new_chongjing_org.png)
[6648 shares] [8416 comments] [93839 likes]
1. [+3713] Recently I've been poisoned by a drug called Li Xian 😂Say no more, I'm going to buy Li Xian couple clothing
2. [+2959] These outfits are completely the kind of boyfriend style that I love ah!
3. [+1919] I like p6 the best!! But as long as it's Li Xian I will like it!
4. [+1313] Li Xian of Go Go Squid! was able to withstand the loneliness, the challenges, the scrutiny. The actor Li Xian has been focusing on acting and performing with different roles to enrich his acting skills, step by step until today, The bitterness, the tiredness, and all the questioning is worthwhile.✨
5. [+1181] I'm in love with Li Xian's outfits, I really want to buy matching couple clothes with him!!