(During a press con Wang Junkai was being naughty, leaning really close to Dilreba and whispering in her ear, looking like he was almost kissing her. But Wang Junkai is still a student, his actions aren't good, he should control himself!)
Antis try so hard to fabricate rumours about Dilreba. Pic 1 is from antis, pic 2 is the whole story.
[1090 shares] [2683 comments] [17589 likes]
1. [+7035] Antis are so diligent
![[doge] [doge]](https://img.t.sinajs.cn/t4/appstyle/expression/ext/normal/a1/2018new_doge02_org.png)
2. [+4666]
![[doge] [doge]](https://img.t.sinajs.cn/t4/appstyle/expression/ext/normal/a1/2018new_doge02_org.png)
3. [+2201] This is why I say that Dilireba is really pitiful, the antis are lunatics
4. [+769] Can't you see that a certain ba tilted her head?
5. [+499] Super annoying, blaming antis everyday, when obviously she's the one who did it
6. [+832] Clearly they're Wang Junkai antis ok, what kind of comprehension ability do you guys have
7. [+751] Gosh, it's true that you can make up anything from a single picture
8. [+221] Isn't this screenshot hating on Wang Junkai, what does it have to do with dlrb
![[疑问] [疑问]](https://img.t.sinajs.cn/t4/appstyle/expression/ext/normal/b8/2018new_ningwen_org.png)