#Youth With You# 2 The night of the final stage and the formation of the group ended successfully, the nine-member group THE9 officially debuted! [心] Thanks to the Youth producers for your support and companionship along the way, thanks to the grand encounter with you, and looking forward to the girls with infinite possibilities. There will be more surprises (T/N: pun using "jing") in the future! #Youth With Youth group formation night#

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1. Don't you think it's outrageous that Snow Kong ranked at eighth place?????? Don't you think it's outrageous that Snow Kong ranked at eighth place?????? Don't you think it's outrageous that Snow Kong ranked at eighth place?????? Don't you think it's outrageous that Snow Kong ranked at eighth place??????

2. [+3231] Go away

3. [+2371] Growing up while being doubted 🌧️ Being strong through the hardships 🌧️ Bravery is the only response 💙 Perseverance is the best proof 💙 Accompanying each other through laughter and bitter 💙 Walking forward all the way 💙 She never shrinks back and never gives up ☔ Almighty ACE Youth With You 2 Liu Yuxin ☔ This summer, she debuted at the centre position

4. [+2057] 🎉🎉Congratulations to AMG Asia Music Group🎉🎉 🏆🏆🏆Liu Yuxin debuted in the centre position🏆🏆🏆 🌧️🌧️ The king of the stage, as she deserves🌧️🌧️ ☔️☔️ Umbrellas (T/N: name for Liu Yuxin's fans, because the "yu" in her name means rain) will brave the wind and fly with you together

5. [+1270] Congrats to Xie Keyin and congrats to all nine members[太开心][太开心][太开心]
